Convention Committee

Meeting Time: The fourth Wednesday of the month at 7 pm at Central Office (1000 Elmwood Avenue)

What does the Convention committee do? The Convention Committee is responsible for planning and throwing the Annual Flower City Fellowship Convention, which is a local convention here in Rochester where members of A.A., Al-Anon, and Alateen come together for food, fellowship, and a chance to hear speakers from across the country. Throwing the convention has a lot of moving parts which the committee handles, ranging from organizing fundraising and volunteers to coordinating with the hotel and creating the weekend program.

How do I get in touch with the Convention committee? You can call our Central Office at (585) 232-6720 or send us an email at Office1@rochester-ny-aa.orgOur phone line is answered twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You will leave your contact information with whoever answers and they will forward that information on to the committee. Contact the committee chair directly at

What types of service work can A.A. members do at the Convention committee? A.A. members who volunteer at the Convention committee will have a variety of opportunities to serve. Just to mention a few items, they can get involved in coordinating fundraising events, finding and/or hosting speakers, helping with convention registration, setting up the hospitality room, or greeting people when they first arrive. There’s plenty of work to go around and anyone can get involved!

Additional Information:

A.A. Guidelines: Conferences, Conventions, and Roundups